I want to move /home directory to a new partition (save drive). 

I have 1-SSD drive:
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% 
/dev/sda4       916G  405G  464G  47% /  

Home directory is on it taking about 360GB

I was planning doing it in stages.

Using Gparted to resize "/" portion shirk it to about 450GB
create new ext4 partition  for /home /dev/sda5

Boot-strap the PC with live-gentoo 
mv /home /home.org
mkdir /home
mount ext4 /dev/sda5 /home/

cp -rp /home.org/*  /home/

edit fstab:
/dev/sda5       /home   ext4    default  0  0
reboot and test home

Am I missing something?
If everything works, remove /home.org

With Gparted resize both root and home portion, giving root about 200GB and 
rest to /home (dev/sda5)

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