It can also be a failing power supply, had this issue myself, first 1 of 3 
drives was having trouble during boot, then the boot drive started having 
problems.  New power supply fixed it right up.  Nearly anything can cause boot 
problems depending on the motherboard etc.  If it's the power supply it's 
likely aging caps, just like with the motherboard.  

I've replaced caps on other motherboards, It's worth getting those with a high 
ripple current rating and rated for 16V (they actually have less resistance and 
better ripple tolerance), the particular caps I used were $1 Ea. from digikey.  
You can spot failing electrolytic caps, they are the ones where you can see the 
top of the aluminum can.  The marking is actually printed on heat-shrink 
tubing.  When they start to fail they get warm enough to shrink the label more 
and pull it off the end.  Of course any that are bulging (usually on the end) 
or have the top opened up are also failed.  Electrolytic capacitors are the 
least reliable component type, though they have gotten much better over time 
they are still the goto suspect when nearly anything electronic fails, 
Especially when it gets worse over time and there's been no abuse.  Heat will 
make them fail much sooner (I.e. after a fan failure).

--"Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their 
political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political 
democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege." 
Tommy Douglas

Feb 20, 2021, 01:03 by

> On 2/17/2021 3:50 AM, gevisz wrote:
>> I had problems with it from the very beginning in the sense that it is
>> quite often doesn't see my SATA disks on the first boot (though, on the 
>> second
>> reboot it usually finds them). It is also quite often that it stops booting
>> the legacy operating system and automatically reboots before showing
>> a login screen.
>> I bought it somewhere in 2006 together with a Gigabyte S-series GA-MA69GM-S2H
>> motherboard, which I have been intensively using every day since then and 
>> never
>> had any problem.
>   If was giving problems from the start,  it probably just needs the BIOS 
> updated.
>   F4 BIOS may address this issue:

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