Yesterday afternoon, both Chrome and Chromium started behaving oddly.

When I drag a tab out of it's parent window to create a new window
(this is something I do a lot, every day), it works normally until I
release the mouse button. Then, instead of staying where it's put the
new window will follow the mouse cursor around the desktop anytime
Chrom(e|ium) has focus. If I move the mouse quickly, the window will
lag behind enough to loose focus, and then the new window will stay
put -- as long as Chrom(e|ium) doesn't have focus. But if I move the
mouse back to the original window, the new one will jump back to the
new window and merge with it. If I move the mouse back to the new
window, it will again start following the mouse cursor around the

There also seems to be a limit on how far I can initially drag the new
window before it gets "stuck" and I have to release the mouse buttin,
grab the banner and drag it further.

If I press ctrl-alt-backspace this behavior will stop, and the new
window will behave normally.

If I right-click on a tab and select "Move tab to new window" the new
window will behave normally.

No other application seem to have a similar problem.

I'm not aware of any changes in configuration in the past few days,
and it's been three days since the last emerge.

The window manager is openbox, and it's been untouched for at least
two months.

I've logged out, restarted X11, and even rebooted, and Chrome's odd
behavior persists.

Any suggestions on how to diagnose/fix this?


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