
I set up a hard drive to backup my emails, world file, /etc and a couple
other things.  I been doing it manually but finally set up a cron job to
run it automatically.  I call it a script but some may laugh at me
calling it that.  Anyway, I got cron to run it just fine.  It runs and
copies it over just like it should.  I set it to do that each hour. 
Thing is, it sends a email every time it does it.  I don't mind a email
if there is a error but don't want one if it runs successfully.  This is
the cron file I set up.  It's placed in the hourly directory.

/root/mail-backup > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
# >/dev/null 2>&1

I got a lot of hits doing a google search and the only thing I see is to
direct it to /dev/null.  From examples I've seen, this should work.  I
then ran across the one currently up there with true in it.  I don't
understand that but tried it anyway.  It still sends emails.  I also
tried the one commented out below that as well.  Still emails. 

Keep in mind, I do not want to disable ALL emails, just this one
script.  How does one disable emails for this one cron job?  Do I have a
typo or putting it in wrong place maybe?  Everything I found shows this
should work but obviously I'm doing something wrong.  Again, error
emails are fine.  I don't want successful runs tho. 

Thanks much.


:-)  :-) 

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