> What USE flags does "emerge -pv1 dev-lang/R" show?

# emerge -pv1 dev-lang/R
[ebuild   R    ] dev-lang/R-4.0.4::gentoo  USE="X jpeg nls openmp perl png 
readline static-libs tiff -cairo -doc -icu -java -lapack -minimal (-prefix) 
-profile -test -tk" 0 KiB

> Are you willing to watch "htop" in another window while the dev-lang/R
> build fails to see how much memory is free?

htop -u portage shows high cpu usage and low memory usage (something 
like less than 2%).

 if I use this instead of htop:
# grep -m1 ^MemFree /proc/meminfo 
MemFree:          253332 kB

 I get for -j1:
mean = 397662.00592
min  = 196772
max  = 762304
std  = 161394.91895

 I have put up data from some -j4 runs at:
 where mem4* are made with ./memwatch.pl > mem4_<run#>.log. It's columns are
 just seconds, MemFree, and MemAvailable, taken from:

$ head -3 /proc/meminfo 
MemTotal:        6103628 kB
MemFree:         1028012 kB
MemAvailable:    2326588 kB


 from mem4_<run#>.log, I see that the minimum free memory is:
 run 1 203492
 run 2 202392
 i.e. about 200MB.

 build_1.log points the finger to sandbox. So it might be that there
 i no problem at all with R, it might be that sandbox doesn't work here.
 I don't know what sandbox requires from the kernel so there might be
 some syscall missing.

 I did run 2 as 
 FEATURES="-sandbox -usersandbox" emerge -aqv1 dev-lang/R

 In build_2.log it just says Segment fault in the vincinity of
 NEWS.2.rds, NEWS.rds, base.Rdts, and methods.Rdts. The first
 two is mentioned in doc/Makefile, and the latter two in 
 src/library/Makefile. Going into doc and src/library and makeing
 thoose four works without any errors.

/Karl Hammar

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