On 5/16/21 11:28 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Sun, 16 May 2021 11:26:37 +0200, n952162 wrote:

There are no use flags defined for any of the packages I did a random
check for, either on the server or the client.  I am worried that it
is as you say: that the ebuild has a change of USE flags, which, of
course, has nothing to do with me, the user.
As already stated, any USE flag changes would appear in the emerge
output, this is most likely caused by --changed-deps. Try with
--changed-use but without --changed-deps to see.

I have introduced that into my build script.  But, if it's as you say,
the one is a subset of the other, it should have no effect on the
output, right?

--changed-use is a subset of --newuse. --changed-deps is separate.

Ah, I oversaw that.

Ah. why would I want to have --changed-deps anyway?  That suddenly seems

It's unfortunate, if there's no explanatory display if a package got
disqualified for that reason.

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