On Thursday, 10 June 2021 21:22:12 BST the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
> On 6/10/21 1:19 PM, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
> > I'm trying to use the default "lightdm" for login but whenever I type-in
> > the password it it puts me back to login screen (asking for password) I
> > changed/updated the password and the system accept it but I still can not
> > log-in.
> I switched to "sddm" and it works, but it is "ugly".

There are some themes you could choose from, or make your own to improve the 
aesthetics of its default appearance.  Access to themes may be available via 
your desktop environment's settings, or by setting them manually in sddm.conf.

> How to enable "num-lock" with sddm?
> I have "num-lock" in default run-level and it turns on when system is
> booting but when the "sddm" starts the num-lock is OFF again.

The default /usr/share/sddm/sddm.conf.d/00default.conf has:

# Initial NumLock state. Can be on, off or none.
# If property is set to none, numlock won't be changed
# NOTE: Currently ignored if autologin is enabled.

You can change this in yours to 'on' and see if it makes any difference.

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