On Sat, 10 Jul 2021 11:22:38 +0300, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

> Right. However, it's obvious I've hit a portage inconsistency here. For 
> example, when I use:
>    CONFIG_PROTECT="blah"
> in make.conf, "blah" is appended to CONFIG_PROTECT. But for whatever 
> reason, this is not the case for UNINSTALL_IGNORE. It completely nukes 
> the default value instead. I had to change this to:

I've seen these inconsistencies before. The documentation usually states
when a variable's contents are replaced rather than appended to, so I'd
suggest a bug report against the make.conf man page.

Neil Bothwick

"Everything takes longer than expected, even when you take
  into account Hoffstead's Law." - Hoffstead's Law

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