Two problems - I would like to run without X, but it seems that the greeters need X to run ...

Also I want to run a multi-user system. I know you can put multiple monitors on one graphics card, and that gives you a multi-head system, but I've got TWO graphics cards. I want to plug in two keyboards, two mice, and have two users sitting there.

From what I can make out, this isn't possible with sddm. Lightdm looks like it might be possible, but there isn't a man page, and I haven't installed it so I can't find out what's what.

Or can I fire up two instances of greetd? One on eg vt7 and the other on vt8? If so, how do I configure vt7 and vt8 to be my two different screen/keyboard/mouse combos?

Lightdm also says it will do vnc, but again, the lack of documentation...

And lastly, I remember something about waypipe. How easy is it to link Windows and linux with waypipe?

I know I'm asking a lot, but I tend to find documentation makes sense only after you already know what it's saying ... :-) I'm hoping for a "cookbook" style approach, but I don't expect much of that because I know what I'm doing isn't very common ...


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