Am Sun, Aug 01, 2021 at 11:36:36AM +0800 schrieb William Kenworthy:

> >> Its not raid, just a btrfs single on disk (no partition).  Contains a
> >> single borgbackup repo for an offline backup of all the online
> >> borgbackup repo's I have for a 3 times a day backup rota of individual
> >> machines/data stores
> > So you are borg’ing a repo into a repo? I am planning on simply rsync’ing
> > the borg directory from one external HDD to another. Hopefully SMR can cope
> > with this adequatly.
> >
> > And you are storing several machines into a single repo? The docs say this
> > is not supported officially. But I have one repo each for /, /home and data
> > for both my PC and laptop. Using a wrapper script, I create snapshots that
> > are named $HOSTNAME_$DATE in each repo.
> Basicly yes: I use a once per hour snapshot of approximately 500Gib of
> data on moosefs, plus borgbackups 3 times a day to individual repos on
> moosefs for each host.

So you have:
Host A ──[hourly]──> Online-Borg A ─┐
                                    ├──[3/day]──> Offline-Borg
Host B ──[hourly]──> Online-Borg B ─┘

> 3 times a day, the latest snapshot is stuffed into a borg repo on moosefs
> and the old  snapshots are deleted.

How do you stuff just the latest snapshot of a repo into another repo?

> 3. borgbackup often to keep changes between updates small - time to
> backup will stay short.

Apparently you are dealing with some kind of productive, high-availability
or high-throughput system. I only have my personal stuff, so I don’t mind it
taking a few minutes. That allows me to watch progress bars and numbers
going up. :)

> 4. borg'ing a repo into a repo works extreemly well - however there are
> catches based around backup set names and the file change tests used.
> (ping me if you want the details)

But what is the point of that? Why not simply keep the last x hourly/
daily/weekly snapshots? The only thing I can think of is to have a
small(ish) short-term repo and keep the larger archival repo separate.

Grüße | Greetings | Qapla’
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“If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say
the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.” – George Carlin

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