On Thu, 5 Aug 2021 10:10:27 +0200, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:

> > Why not write the output to a file ?  -- eg
> > 'emerge --ask --depclean > <temporaryfilename>'.
> > Then you can look at the output at leisure, even on another machine.  
> Depending on the  number of packages  you've installed  and depending on
> the speed of your rig "emerge --depclean" may take some time, and thus I
> tried to avoid  splitting it  into two calls,  one to just announce what
> would be done and one to really do it.
> But meanwhile I'm suspecting that any call along the lines of
>    # emerge --ask ... | $PAGER
> is doomed to fail  because both,  "emerge"  and the pager  are trying to
> read the user's answer from the same input device (maybe "/dev/tty") and
> thus both are stumbling  over the other's feet.   The only way out would
> be just another option causing "emerge" to page internally.
> Therefore my "edepclean" alias now calls "emerge" twice, like so:
>    # emerge --depclean --pretend | $PAGER
>    # emerge --depclean -- ask --quiet

How about emerge -ca | tee >depclean.txt

Then if the list is short you can read it in the console and just hit y
or n. Otherwise, hit n and read the file. It will save calculating
dependencies twice, and we all know how slow that can be.

Neil Bothwick

A pessimist is an optimist who's given it some thought.

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