
On Monday, 2021-08-02 13:54:07 +0200, you wrote:

> ...
> Depends what you were trying to solve when piping to less.

Sorry for the confusion caused by dropping the  "--ask" option (which is
part of my "edepclean" alias).   What I'm trying to solve is reading the
output from "emerge --depclean" one screen full at a time and at the end
being asked whether or not I really want to unmerge all packages listed.
And just running

   $ emerge --ask --depclean | less

did not work when tested with a single package to be removed: the output
from "emerge" was displayed  on less than a single screen causing "less"
to just terminate  due to my setting of environment variable "LESS", but
"emerge" never issued the question whether or not to continue nor did it
accept an answer.  I had to kill it with "^C" from the shell.

I hope I could make my problem a bit clearer this time ... :-)


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