On 2021.09.09 15:23, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
On 9/9/21 1:18 PM, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
> how to generate a kernel that is like: vmlinuz-5.4.97-gentoo-x86_64
My kernel looks like vmlinuz-5.4.97-gentoo and it I think it should be: vmlinuz-5.4.97-gentoo-x86_64

im pretty sure this is the problem because after i select the option on grub im stuck on the next screen that says its loading the kernel commands but im pretty sure ive run into this problem before and i need to generate the config so that it says x86_64 on the end i just dont remember how
Does it say it's loading the kernel commands, or just that it's loading the kernel?

The name of the kernel file is essentially arbitraty, although there are certainly conventions. What is important is that grub knows the correct name to use.

For starts, how are you generating the kernel, and did you run grub-mkconfig after building the new kernel?

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