On Thu, 09 Sep 2021 15:31:12 -0400, Jack wrote:

> > On 9/9/21 1:18 PM, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:  
> > > how to generate a kernel that is like: vmlinuz-5.4.97-gentoo-x86_64
> > >  
> > My kernel looks like vmlinuz-5.4.97-gentoo  and it I think it should  
> > be: vmlinuz-5.4.97-gentoo-x86_64

Have you tried renaming the file manually to see if it makes a difference?

> > im pretty sure this is the problem because after i select the option  
> > on grub im stuck on the next screen that says its loading the kernel  
> > commands
> > but im pretty sure ive run into this problem before and i need to  
> > generate the config so that it says x86_64 on the end i just dont  
> > remember how  
> Does it say it's loading the kernel commands, or just that it's loading
> the kernel?
> The name of the kernel file is essentially arbitraty, although there  
> are certainly conventions.  What is important is that grub knows the  
> correct name to use.

AFAIR, grub-mkconfig looks for files named vmlinuz-version, so while it
is not arbitrary when auto-generating the GRUB config, the name here
should be fine.

I suspect the issue is with either the contents of the kernel or the
parameters you pass it, rather than the suffix of the file name.

Neil Bothwick

0 and 1. Now what could be so hard about that?

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