210913 David Haller wrote:
> Gwenview uses color-management via media-libs/lcms, feh does not.
> See "Rendering intent" and "Color profile" under "Advanced"
> in Gwenview's configure dialog.  HTH.

That cb relevant, but I've explored further & have some results.

When I crop a JPG image with Fotoxx or Gwenview,
then view it with Gwenview, the colors remain vivid ;
this is true whether I rename the new version in Gwenview or not.

It's only when I crop a PNG image in Gwenview
& save it in place (ie with the same name), that the colors are faded
& that's only when viewed with Gwenview, not eg with Feh.

So I can avoid the problem either by cropping only with Fotoxx
or by renaming them whenever I do it with Gwenview
or by converting PNGs to JPGs before cropping them.

The bad case does look like a Gwenview bug,
but KDE bugs tend to disappear into the ocean, if reported.

Thanks for the comments.  I will try redoing the faded versions,
tho' that will mean getting them from the I/net again.
Any further suggestions re causes of the bad case are welcome.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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