
I'd like to update a system that is about 1 year old. I have python3.7
and python 3.8 installed, 3.7 is the default. After updating the repo,
it was suggested to update portage first (probably useful to support
new EAPI versions).
I read about updating to python 3.9, so I created

~ # cat /etc/portage/package.use/py 
*/* PYTHON_TARGETS: -* python3_9 python3_8
*/* PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET: -* python3_9

as suggested. However, there are still collisions (and I don't really
understand them):

 ~ # emerge -p --oneshot sys-apps/portage

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N     ] acct-group/portage-0 
[ebuild  N     ] acct-user/portage-0 
[ebuild     U  ] sys-devel/automake-1.16.4 [1.16.1-r1] USE="-test%" 
[ebuild  NS    ] dev-lang/python-3.9.6_p2 [2.7.18-r2, 3.7.8-r2, 3.8.5]
USE="sqlite* -verify-sig%"
[ebuild     U  ] dev-python/certifi-10001-r1 [10001]
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8* python3_9* (-python3_10)"
[ebuild U  ] dev-python/setuptools-57.4.0-r2 [46.4.0-r3]
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8* python3_9* (-python3_10)"
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/toml-0.10.2 USE="-test"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8 python3_9 (-pypy3) (-python3_10)"
[ebuild U  ] dev-python/setuptools_scm-6.0.1-r1 [4.1.2-r1]
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8* python3_9* (-python3_10)"
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/charset_normalizer-2.0.4  USE="-test"
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8 python3_9 (-pypy3) (-python3_10)"
[ebuild U ] dev-python/idna-3.2 [2.10-r1] PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8*
python3_9* (-python3_10)"
[ebuild   R    ] dev-python/PySocks-1.7.1-r1 PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8*
python3_9* (-python3_10)"
[ebuild     U  ] dev-python/urllib3-1.26.6
[1.25.10-r1] PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8* python3_9* (-python3_10)"
[ebuild     U  ] dev-python/requests-2.26.0 [2.24.0-r1]
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8* python3_9* (-python3_10)"
[ebuild     U  ] app-portage/gemato-16.2 [15.2]
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8* python3_9* (-python3_10)"
[ebuild     U  ] sys-apps/portage-3.0.20-r6 [3.0.4-r1]
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8* python3_9* (-python3_10)" 

!!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been
pulled !!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:


  (sys-apps/portage-3.0.20-r6:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  USE="(ipc) native-extensions rsync-verify xattr -apidoc -build -doc
  -gentoo-dev (-selinux) -test" ABI_X86="(64)"
  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8 python3_9 (-pypy3) (-python3_10)" pulled in
  by sys-apps/portage (Argument)

  (sys-apps/portage-3.0.4-r1-3:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="(ipc)
  native-extensions rsync-verify xattr -apidoc -build -doc -gentoo-dev
  (-selinux) -test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_7 (-pypy3)
  -python3_6 -python3_8 -python3_9" pulled in by
  required by (app-portage/gentoolkit-0.5.0:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  USE="-test" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_7 (-pypy3)
  -python3_6 -python3_8" 


Plus many similar ones on packages like setuptools, gemato etc.
I don't see how to get out of this vicious circle, any hints?


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