On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 8:57 PM Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk>

> Hello list,
> I have an external USB-3 drive with various system backups. There are 350
> .tar
> files (not .tar.gz etc.), amounting to 2.5TB. I was sure I wouldn't need
> to
> compress them, so I didn't, but now I think I'm going to have to. Is there
> a
> reasonably efficient way to do this?

find <mountpoint> -name \*tar -exec zstd -TN {} \;

Where N is the number of cores you want to allocate. zstd -T0 (or just
zstdmt) if you want to use all the available cores. I use zstd for
everything now as it's as good as or better than all the others in the
general case.

Parallel means it uses more than one core, so on a modern machine it is
much faster.

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