On Tue, 5 Oct 2021 04:17:32 +0200 (CEST), coa...@tuta.io wrote:

> > was significantly faster than
> >
> > emerge -C gentoo-sources-version
> > rm -fr /usr/src/linux-version
> >  
> So what about other packages? Do you guys find it faster to 
> rm -rf $(equary f PACKAGE) && emerge -C PACKAGE? Is that slower cuz
> equery is also called or could that cause unwanted files from other
> packages to be wiped?maybe filters?

Very few, if any, other packages install all their files in one
directory. Nor do they install the sheer number of files

% qlist \=sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.10.61 | wc -l

But the real benefit is that you have to run rm -fr anyway to remove the
object files etc. you are running the same commands either way, it is
just the order that makes a difference.

For any other package, I just let portage do its job.

Neil Bothwick

Electrocution, n.:
Burning at the stake with all the modern improvements.

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