n952162 wrote:
> Hello all,
> my system runs fine, but when I want to restart my network, I find
> there's no /etc/init.d/net.enp1s0 link or other interesting candidate. 
> Do something change here?
> What do I need to do to restart my network?

I ran into something like this recently when switching to systemd udev
from eudev.  When I rebooted, my interface names were changed.  Here's
what you can try, maybe it will work.  Do ifconfig and see what it is
named exactly.  This is the relevant part of mine:

root@fireball / # ifconfig
enp3s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
<<< SNIP >>>

Mine is named enp3s0.  So, the file needs to be named net.enp3s0.  I
think you have that already but that will confirm your info.  So, you
need to create a file that links to net.lo.  Mine looks like this:

root@fireball / # ls -al /etc/init.d/net*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     6 Mar  1  2012 /etc/init.d/net.enp3s0 -> net.lo

I was in KDE so I used graphical tools.  In Krusader as root, must be
root to do this, I right clicked the net.lo file then selected Link
Handling.  It should pop up and ask you for a  name.  When it does, give
it the file name for your card but don't forget to put "net." in front
of it.  Whatever you do, don't delete net.lo or overwrite it.  I'm not
sure what all problems that would cause but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't
be good.  :-(  If you don't have Krusader, whatever tool you use that
has root privileges should have a way to create a link.

If you don't use a graphical file manager that has root abilities, man
ln and create the link with it.  I haven't used ln in so long, I can't
recall the proper way off the top of my head but it is pretty simple.  I
think what they call a soft link is enough.  As long as it looks similar
to mine above, you should be fine. 

Once you do one of those, you should be able to start, stop and restart
your network. 

Hope that helps.  


:-)  :-)

Oh, I looked in the Gentoo wiki, I couldn't find a way to do this
there.  Either my search abilities are lacking or it isn't there.  Maybe
it's in the handbook.  Since the handbook moved to the wiki, it just
isn't the same. If you searched before asking, it's no wonder you
couldn't find a answer. 

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