The point is, something has changed in openrc, and I was hoping somebody
knew about it.

It used to be that you could restart the network with:

  rc-service net.enp1s0 restart

which would use the link in /etc/init.d.  But that link is now gone,
although the network works.  Something fundamental has changed, I think,
and I thought it would pop out here, but I guess I'm the only one still
using openrc.

On 1/16/22 19:06, Mark Knecht wrote:
On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 1:50 AM n952162 <> wrote:
Hello all,

my system runs fine, but when I want to restart my network, I find
there's no /etc/init.d/net.enp1s0 link or other interesting candidate.
Do something change here?

What do I need to do to restart my network?

Obviously the answers depends completely on how you are managing
services and what executables you have on your highly customizable
Gentoo machine, but possibly:

sudo service network-manager restart

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

sudo nmcli networking off && sudo nmcli networking on

sudo ifdown -a && sudo ifup -a

If you are using systemctl then

sudo systemctl status

is a good place to start, along with



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