>On 09/03/2022 20:28, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:
>> until recently my system behaves sort of strangely:
>>     $ echo x | sudo tee /tmp/file
>>     Password:
>>     tee: /tmp/file: Permission denied
>> [...]    
>> Since when can't root write to files  it doesn't own?   And not even, if
>> the file has write permission for everybody?
>This is normal, at least when using systemd. To disable this behavior, you 
>have to set:
>   sysctl fs.protected_regular=0
>But you should know what this means when it comes to security. See:
>   https://www.spinics.net/lists/fedora-devel/msg252452.html

And they chose to have systemd set that instead of putting it in sysctl.conf or 
the default kernel settings where it belongs?  Good grief!  

I guess if you're going to use systemd you need to subscribe to the Fedora 
mailing lists so you get at least a little notice before they break things.


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