
As some know, I've rearranged some hard drives and data recently.  Got
the data moved into the new places.  Given those changes, I'm also
having to adjust my backups as well.  Before, I just backed up
/home/dale and told rsync to exclude a few large directories that needed
to be stored on other drives.  I reversed for the other drive.  Anyway,
I'm splitting things up differently now.  What I'm not sure about is KDE
config files.  I googled and found out some I was pretty sure of
already.  Examples, .config, .local, and .kde4 but there could be others
that need to be backed up as well.  Anyone know if that is all of them
or am I missing some?

I already have .mozilla backed up locally.  That takes care of my web
browsers, Seamonkey and Firefox which includes emails. 



:-)  :-) 

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