Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Am Tue, Apr 05, 2022 at 09:02:46PM -0500 schrieb Dale:
>> Howdy,
>> What I'm not sure about is KDE config files.  I googled and found out some
>> I was pretty sure of already.  Examples, .config, .local, and .kde4 but
>> there could be others that need to be backed up as well.  Anyone know if
>> that is all of them or am I missing some?
> I guess it depends on the applications you use. I think the directories you
> mentioned have all you need. I looked at my laptop, whose user directory
> harkens back to 2016. I still have ~/.kde (without any files) and ~/.kde4,
> but the only files in there that are newer than at least 9 months is
> .kde4/share/config/kdeglobals (modified 1 week ago, I probably changed some
> keyboard shortcuts) and theme files from Breeze inside
> .kde4/share/apps/color-schemes/.
> Look for yourself:
>> find ~/.kde ~/.kde4 -mtime -180
> will tell you which files in there are newer than 180 days. Modify
> parameters to your liking.

At first, I just wanted to backup .<everything> but couldn't figure out
how to get rsync to do that yet.  I'm working on it tho.  There should
be a way.  Still, at least I get back most everything with those.  I
skimmed the list and most programs I use just use the defaults so it can
just be recreated or rarely use that software at all.  I suspect a lot
of them have been moved to .config anyway.

Given the volume of data, I may have to start using tar and friends
before long.  Even split up, my backup drives are getting a bit full
with direct copies.  Someone else mentioned snapshots but I still need
to research that.  I need a month of good health to see if I can catch
up on the things that need doing here.  :/



:-)  :-) 

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