Dale wrote:
> John Covici wrote:
>> On Fri, 15 Apr 2022 11:49:21 -0400,
>> Dale wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> I got the drive and pvmove is doing its thing.  I would like to unplug
>>> one of the drives and physically move them around without shutting down
>>> my system.  Is there a way to tell LVM to disable the drives while I'm
>>> doing this and restart them when done?  I found the command vgchange -a
>>> n<name> but I'm not sure if that is correct.  Honestly, I want to be
>>> really sure before I unplug things.  I assume the "n" changes to "y" to
>>> restart them? 
>>> Thanks.
>>> Dale
>>> :-)  :-) 
>>> P. S.  BTW, the drive has passed two new tests with no error.  The tests
>>> are slower than usual tho.  I'm not sure why tho. 
>> No, you can't do that till the pmove is over.
> Yea.  I was planning to wait until pvmove was done.  It actually
> finished not to long after I sent the message.  It was what prompted me
> to see if this is possible.  I found a page that talks about it but the
> info didn't explain it much.  I'm pretty sure that is the right command
> but given the limited info, I wasn't sure.  Reading the man page helped
> a little but still wasn't 100% sure then either.  Thing is, I only have
> to unplug and move one of the two drives on that group. 
> Sounds like the right command tho.  If not, someone speak up. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

For anyone searching and running up on this thread.  That command did
work to disable the drive.  I'm not sure if I should have used pvchange
to disable /dev/sdk1 or not.  The problem I did run into was getting it
back.  I ran the command to enable it but it didn't work as expected.  I
had files missing.  So, I unmounted it, ran pvscan, vgscan and lvscan in
that order.  I then ran the command above again to be sure and remounted
the LV group.  It worked that time. All files were there.  So, either
one has to rescan them or I should have also ran pvchange to disable as
well.  Maybe someone else can expand on this.

While I'm at it.  Is there a way to reset the sdk part?  The old was sdd
and I was hoping when I moved the drive, it would change with it.  The
reason is, usually when I hook up my external drives, they use sdk.  I'm
sort of set up for that.  A couple other things use sdk as well.  I'm
not sure if there is a easy way to do that or not.  Wonder if it will
reset when I reboot???


:-)  :-) 

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