Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Am Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 10:49:21AM -0500 schrieb Dale:
>> Howdy,
>> I got the drive and pvmove is doing its thing.  I would like to unplug
>> one of the drives and physically move them around without shutting down
>> my system.  Is there a way to tell LVM to disable the drives while I'm
>> doing this and restart them when done?
> Be aware that SATA hot-plugging must be enabled in the BIOS for each
> individual SATA port (at least that’s the case on my board). I’m not sure
> what a difference it actually makes, though.

I enabled that the first time I cut the system on after building it.  I
couldn't think of any reason not to have it enabled really.  It would be
like making USB require rebooting before plugging/unplugging something. 
Certainly better than the old IDE days. 

I have googled and can not find a way to reset udev and it naming
drives.  I may have to rework some things since the drive kept the sdk
instead of switching to sdd when I made the physical change.  Thing is,
I suspect it will when I reboot the next time.  It also triggered
messages from SMART too.  It got upset that it couldn't find sdd anymore. 


:-)  :-) 

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