Am Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 12:45:20PM -0500 schrieb Dale:

> My next project, find a good external drive enclosure like the three I
> got now.  They no longer available tho.  I like them because they have a
> fan, a eSATA port and a nifty display to let me know things are
> working.  Really a good price for the features.  I don't like USB
> connected drives.  Long story.

How about a table-top dock?
- no cable salad, caused by each enclosure having its own power supply and
  data cable
- disks are used “naked”, so no heat buildup and you are more flexible

Here are some models with eSATA:
And one of them even has four slots → even fewer cables.

That’s of course if you use the disks intermittently and store them away
inbetween. If you plan on running them for longer durations at a time, it
may be better to use a proper enclosure, in order to protect the disks from
physical influences (impacts, short-circuits). Also, those SATA connectors
are not designed to be connected often. I think I read about 50 cycles

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