
On Monday, 2022-06-13 09:42:39 -0400, you wrote:

>   I started getting this today.
> fetchmail: Authorization failure on <myuserid>
> fetchmail: For help, see
> fetchmail: Query status=3 (AUTHFAIL)

See the thread with subject 'Google and "fetchmail" + "ssmtp"' between
2022-03-17 and 2022-04-06 on the "gentoo-user" mailing list.

There's one big gotcha though:  shortly before Google's 2022-05-30 dead-
line for the switch to two-factor-authorization,  the upstream maintain-
ers of "fetchmail" decided to abandon the 7.0.0 release  (coincidence?),
causing the Gentoo maintainers to also drop "fetchmail-7.0.0" from Port-

I ended up cloning the "git" source repository from

checking out branch "remote/next", and then running

   export PREFIX=$HOME
   ./configure --disable-IMAP --mandir=$PREFIX/man
   make install

which installs the man pages  "~/man/man1/fetchmail.1"  and "~/man/man1/
fetchmailconf.1" as well as the programmes "~/bin/fetchmail" and "~/bin/
fetchmailconf" in my home directory.

But I think this will be only a temporary solution due to lacking maint-
enance upstream.   Looking around a bit I found "getmail" in the Portage
repository which supports OAuth,  but apparently only for IMAP.  Bummer.

Anybody knowing about a replacement for "fetchmail" which provides daem-
on mode as well as  POP and  OAuth support,  and also allows to directly
feed the fetched mails into "procmail"?


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