On Tue, 14 Jun 2022 09:52:19 +0200, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:

> > > Anybody knowing about a replacement for "fetchmail" which provides
> > > daem- on mode as well as  POP and  OAuth support,  and also allows
> > > to directly feed the fetched mails into "procmail"?  
> > 
> > net-mail/getmail  
> Do you know for sure?   As mentioned in my original mail I was under the
> impression that OAuth is only available  together with IMAP but not with
> POP3.  See
>    https://getmail6.org/configuration.html#configuring

Good point, it's that long since I set up getmail, I had to check if it
was using IMAP or POP, and I'm using it with IMAP. Is there a reason you
can't or won't use IMAP?

Neil Bothwick

Q:  Why is top-posting evil?
A: backwards read don't humans because

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