> > Is there any way to get apache2 to include a full path in its
> > access_log?  That would be something like this:
> >
> > domain.com/page.html
> >
> > instead of this:
> >
> > /page.html
> >
> > If I can get a full path in the log, I can have webalizer report on
> > traffic per domain.  The conventional method of using the vhost log
> > format for something like this won't work for me because it relies on
> > defining different ServerName directives via VirtualHost definitions
> > but I don't think apache knows which domain is actually being served.
> > I don't use any apache virtual host stuff.  Domain identification is
> > handled by my shopping cart software.
> Maybe I dont understand what you mean: but since you are using
> VirtualHost definitions, then perhaps you could use separate logs for
> each site?
> e.g.
> <VirtualHost site1.com>
>         ServerName www.site1.com
>         ErrorLog "/var/log/apache/site1_error.log"
>         AccessLog "/var/log/apache/site2_access.log"
> </VirtualHost>
> <VirtualHost site2.com>
>         ServerName www.site2.com
>         ErrorLog "/var/log/apache/site1_error.log"
>         AccessLog "/var/log/apache/site2_access.log"
> </VirtualHost>
> I just avoid the whole logsplit issue by doing this on production servers.

Yeah, I wasn't very clear about that.  The problem is I can't use
VirtualHost definitions because I don't think apache knows which
domain is actually being served.  I don't use any apache virtual host
stuff.  Domain identification is handled by my shopping cart software.

- Grant

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