Richard Fish wrote:

Ryan L wrote:

Not sure if mine is related, but when running revdep-rebuild it gives me a LOT of errors about openoffice needing some libraries and then remerges OO2.0. All fine and dandy, but running revdep-rebuild again afterward gives the same thing. I've done this about 4 times in a row. Perhaps OO2.0 isn't handling its libraries correctly. Or maybe an ebuild error?

If you have emerged the binary package, this is normal, because the binary version sticks private versions of all libraries and even python in the openoffice directory, where it can't be found without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the environment. If you did merge the binary, update /etc/make.conf to set SEARCH_DIRS_MASK="/usr/lib/openoffice".


Thank you sir! Worked like a charm! I just had to use lib32 instead of lib since I'm on amd64, but still worked perfectly! Thanks!

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