On Thursday, 6 October 2022 05:39:59 BST Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> This may not exist.  If not, oh well.  Sometimes when I'm moving files
> with Dolphin, I need a added feature.  I tend to use split panes when I
> copy or move files.  Quite often, I want to move files from one location
> to another and the new file use the same name as the old file I'm
> replacing.  What I *wish* I could do, move the file from one pane to the
> other and drag the new file on top of the old file and it replace it
> with the name of the old file.  As it is now, I have to bring up
> properties, select the name of the file, while not including the
> extension, and copy it, then close that window and open properties on
> the new file, highlight the old name, paste new name, close window, copy
> new file over and either delete old file or tell it to overwrite the
> file.  Sometimes it has a different extension and I have to delete
> instead. 
> It would be a lot faster if I could just drag it on top of file I want
> to replace and either it be configured to use name of old file for new
> file or me select in a pop up what I want to do.  Basically, move and
> drop instead of all the properties, copy, repeat with paste on new file
> and then move and maybe delete a file as well.  I went to the services
> window and looked for anything I could add but I didn't see anything
> that would do what I describe but it could be a hidden feature of one
> that isn't obvious. 
> Has anyone ever seen something that does this?  While I use dolphin, I
> may could use another tool if it has this feature. 
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Perhaps I'm missing something ... 

If the old file has the *same* name as the new file, the file manager will 
warn you and ask you if you want to rename the new file so as it does not 
overwrite the old file, or if you want to replace the old file.

If the old file has a different name, then the new file will be pasted in 
without asking.  In this case isn't it quicker to delete the file you want 
replaced and then copy/move the new file over?  Shift+Delete or right click - 
'Delete' to delete it completely or just Delete/right click - 'Move to 
wastebin' in case you delete the wrong file by mistake and want to recover it 
later.  BTW, pressing F2 after you select a file will allow you to rename it, 
without having to dive into properties.

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