> I don't have any thoughts on the pam module, but I make use of some
> scripts that rely on pass as well.  For my use case I just raised the
> TTL setting of gpg-agent to match an eight hour work day or eight hour
> evening period and ran with it.  Feels fairly natural to "log in" to
> the agent once a day at the first use.

Doesn't this sort of defeat the purpose of using pass? I mean if it's
always decryptable then is it really useful to have it encrypted in the
first place (assuming you have full disk encryption set up)? I may be
missing something crucial here so please let me know.

> Can you re-architect this as a (pseudo) daemon so that you unlock it 
> once (or at least a LOT less often) and it stores the necessary 
> information in memory for subsequent re-use?

This seems like the lesser of all evils to me. As I understand, you're
suggesting that I lend the email password to the daemon at start and
only have that password stored in memory instead of my actual gpg
password, is that correct?

> Could you re-configure things so that (a copy of) the requisite password 
> is accessible via a different set of GPG credentials specific to the 
> process that you're running?  Then you could probably have just that set 
> of GPG credentials unprotected so that the script could use them as it 
> is today.

Again, I may be missing something here, but does having your GPG
credentials unprotected offer any real protection?

> If neither of these options were possible I'd look into something like a 
> TPM and / or Yubikey wherein I could offload some of the GPG to it so 
> that the decryption key is physically tied to the source computer /and/ 
> *where* *it* *can't* *be* *copied*.

I guess this is where I'll eventually be heading towards. 

By the way, thanks to both of you for your thoughts!

All the best,

The funny quote of this email is trivial and left as an exercise.

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