Am Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 04:29:59AM -0500 schrieb Dale:

> >> I wonder.  Is there a way to find out the smallest size file in a
> >> directory or sub directory, largest files, then maybe a average file
> >> size???
> > The 20 smallest:
> > `find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat -c '%s %n' | sort -n | head -n 20`
> >
> > The 20 largest: either use tail instead of head or reverse sorting with -r.
> > You can also first pipe the output of stat into a file so you can sort and 
> > analyse the list more efficiently, including calculating averages.
> When I first run this while in / itself, it occurred to me that it
> doesn't specify what directory.  I thought maybe changing to the
> directory I want it to look at would work but get this: 

Yeah, either cd into the directory first, or pass it to find. But it’s like 
tar: I can never remember in which order I need to feed stuff to find. One 
relevant addition could be -xdev, to have find halt at file system 
boundaries. So:

find /path/to/dir -xdev -type f -! -type l …

> root@fireball /home/dale/Desktop/Crypt # `find -type f -print0 | xargs
> -0 stat -c '%s %n' | sort -n | head -n 20`
> -bash: 2: command not found
> root@fireball /home/dale/Desktop/Crypt #

I used the `` in the mail text as a kind of hint: “everything between is a 
command”. So when you paste that into the terminal, it is executed, and the 
result of it is substituted. Meaning: the command’s output is taken as the 
new input and executed. And since the first word of the output was “2”, you 
get that error message. Sorry about the confusion.

> >> I thought about du but given the number of files I have here,
> >> it would be a really HUGE list of files.  Could take hours or more too. 
> > I use a “cache” of text files with file listings of all my external drives. 
> > This allows me to glance over my entire data storage without having to plug 
> > in any drive. It uses tree underneath to get the list:
> >
> > `tree -afx -DFins --dirsfirst --du --timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %T"`
> >
> > This gives me a list of all directories and files, with their full path, 
> > date and size information and accumulated directory size in a concise 
> > format. Add -pug to also include permissions.
> >
> Save this for later use.  ;-)

I built a wrapper script around it, to which I pass the directory I want to 
read (usually the root of a removable media). The script creates a new text 
file, with the current date and the dircetory in its name, and compresses it 
at the end. This allows me to diff those files in vim and see what changed 
over time. It also updates a symlink to the current version for quick access 
via bash alias.

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...llaw eht no rorrim ,rorriM

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