On Mon, 4 Sep 2023 22:54:38 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 06:21:27PM +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote

> > I use apt-cacher-ng for this and it does what you are looking for.  
>   https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Local_distfiles_cache#Open_issues says...
> > Open issues
> >
> > *  Apt-cacher-ng installs a cron job to delete unreferenced files
> > from the cache. Since the Gentoo cache contains no index files,
> > this probably deletes either everything or nothing from it.  
>   Have you run into ptoblems with this?

Not that I've noticed.

>   It looks like remote-mounting /var/cache/distfiles might be the
> quick-n-dirty solution like Alan suggested.  And I never have a need to
> have emerge run simultaneously on more than one machine.

It seems the simplest suitable solution for your needs.

Neil Bothwick

A pessimist complains about the noise when opportunity knocks.

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