On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 10:06:42 BST hitachi303 wrote:
> Am 04.09.23 um 15:04 schrieb Michael:
> > PS. Is http_replicator still available/maintained?  I see the wiki
> > mentions
> > apt-cacher-ng for local distfiles cache.
> IIRC it died when python or perl 2.x was no longer available.

It's worth mentioning another option, not involving a full caching proxy as 
such.  It may suit Walter's workflow so I mention it here for completeness.  A 
lightweight browser can serve files directly from the local mirror's own /var/

Unlike a caching proxy, files not already downloaded/needed by the local 
mirror won't be available locally, so the clients will download these from 
external mirrors.  The local server will need to be updated first, to fetch 
all the latest source file versions.  If there is a large difference in 
package requirements between different clients and the server, then only a 
partial bandwidth efficiency will be achieved this way.  Also if all the 
clients require the same packages not available on the server, then these will 
be downloaded by each client separately from external mirrors, further eroding 
any savings in overall bandwidth.

Setting up a small footprint browser like gatling, or just a couple of lines 
of python http.server, will allow any light on resources gentoo machine to 
become a useful local mirror with minimal configuration.

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