
I use Konsole a lot, that thing within KDE that acts like a console. 
Anyway, I'm running a offline file system check on a rather large file
system.  For some reason, Konsole decided to crash.  I can see the file
system is still running with top, ps etc but I can't see anything to
know what it is doing.  Is there a way to get that back?  Should I kill
it and restart now that Konsole is running again?  I'd think a regular
term signal would give it a safe stopping place but still kinda chicken
to do it.  Then again, what if it stops and needs my input or worse yet,
it displays a error that I can't see but I need to know and see? 

Any thoughts?  Is there a way to get it back?  Kill it and restart?  Do
nothing and hope for the best? 



:-)  :-) 

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