William Kenworthy wrote:
> On 22/10/23 11:23, Dale wrote:
>> Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
>>> Am Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 09:20:45PM -0500 schrieb Dale:
>>>> Howdy,
>>>> As most know, I had to restore from backups recently.  I also reworked
>>>> my NAS box.  I'm doing my first backup given that I have more files
>>>> that
>>>> need to be added to the backups.  When I started the rsync, it's
>>>> starting from the first file and updating each file as it goes as
>>>> if all
>>>> of them changed.  Given that likely 95% of the files hasn't changed, I
>>>> figure this is being done because of a time stamp or something.  Is
>>>> there a way to tell rsync to ignore the time stamp or something or if
>>>> the files are the same size, just update the time stamp?  Is there
>>>> a way
>>>> to just update the time stamps on the NAS box?  Is there a option I
>>>> haven't thought of to work around this?
>>>> This is the old command I was using to create the backups.
>>>> time rsync -uivr --progress --delete
>>>> /home/dale/Desktop/Crypt/TV_Series
>>>> /mnt/TV_Backup/
>>> This didn’t preserve timestamps. Hence there is one type of
>>> information lost
>>> from which rsync knows whether two files may be identical. So now your
>>> restore has more recent timestamps the the backup. If you use -u, Rsync
>>> should skip all files.
>>> My perfectionist self doesn’t like discarding timestamp information,
>>> because
>>> then my system can’t tell me how old some file is, and how old (or
>>> young) I
>>> was when I created it and so on. I once didn’t pay enough attention
>>> when
>>> restoring a backup back when I was still on Windows, which is why I
>>> don’t
>>> have many files left that are dated before April 2007, even though
>>> they are
>>> from 2000 ± x.
>>> BTW: -i and -v are redundant. -v will only print the file path,
>>> whereas -i
>>> does the same and adds the reasons colum at the beginning.
>>>> I tried these to try to get around it.
>>>> time rsync -ar --progress --delete
>>>> /home/dale/Desktop/Crypt/TV_Series /mnt/TV_Backup/
>>> -a and -r are also redundant, as -a includes -r.
>>>> I looked at the man page and the options there.  I don't see anything
>>>> that I think will help.  Is there a way around this?
>>> My muscle memory uses `rsync -ai` for almost everything. And when I
>>> do full
>>> root file systems or stuff where I know I will need them, I use -axAHX
>>> instead. Since this preserves all the usual data, I’ve never really had
>>> rsync wanting to do everything all over.
>> Well, I can't turn back the clocks so it is what it is now.  These files
>> tho, I really don't worry to much about the timestamps.  If I were
>> backing up my OS tho, that could become a problem.
>> So my command should be more like:
>> rsync -ai --progress --delete /path/to/source/ path/to/target
>> If I want to preserve all the Linux file data, then I should use this:
>> rsync -axAHX --progress --delete /path/to/source/ path/to/target
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
>> P. S.  Working on new kernel for fireball.  Added some options for
>> encryption stuff.  I really need to update to a newer kernel.  I got a
>> newer one that boots but no GUI.  That's not very helpful.
>> Hi Dale, I might have missed it in the thread but are you aware that
>> rsync is focussed on remote filefile transfer and if its a local
>> transfer it does a full copy (no delta) of the file without
>> optimisations as its usually faster than all the extra operations a
>> local delta requires.
> You are using NFS mounts so rsync is looking at it as a local copy -
> it does not know it is a remote system.
> My recent use of moosefs (another network file system) had similar
> problems using rsync - it also turns out some of the data rsync uses
> for detecting changes may not be stable across a network mount -
> moosefs certainly has problems with this, NFS likely to have it too.
> The workaround is to check file-size, mtimes and ctimes to figure out
> which is able to be used.
> see:
> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/450537/ddg#450666
> google rsync over nfs
> BillK

I've read about using rsync as a daemon.  It is supposed to be faster. 
For some reason, I just never got around to trying it.  It would likely
be a good idea to work on that.  It would likely be really handy when
moving large amounts of data.  I may try to read a howto on the Gentoo
wiki or something.  See what all it involves. 

Interesting link.  I find some good info on that site at times. 


:-)  :-) 

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