On 22/10/2023 09:50, Dale wrote:
I've read about using rsync as a daemon.  It is supposed to be faster. For some reason, I just never got around to trying it.  It would likely be a good idea to work on that.  It would likely be really handy when moving large amounts of data.  I may try to read a howto on the Gentoo wiki or something.  See what all it involves.

Run the daemon on the NAS. For each file where the metadata differs, the NAS will send a bunch of block checksums to your rsync command (or the other way round).

If all the checksums agree, then the files are identical, without having to send the file over the network.

If only a few checksums differ, only a few blocks have to be sent.

In other words, using a daemon will massively reduce the amount of data going across the network, at the expense of the NAS having to scan and checksum every "file of interest". A pretty cheap trade-off, imho.


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