On Wednesday, 29 November 2023 14:12:39 GMT John Blinka wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 10:39 AM Peter Humphreey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk>
> wrote:l
> > What am I missing?
> I have much less powerful hardware than you but libreoffice (as a
> stand-alone build) generates many more threads than 4 on my “cluster”.  I’m
> also using distcc.
> On the main box, I set
> MAKEOPTS=“-j17 -l6”
> On the other two less powerful ones -l is 5 and 3, but -j is the same.
> On the main box, /etc/distcc/hosts contains
> localhost/11 sophie/5,lzo tobey/3,lzo —localslots=11 —localslots_cpp=11
> On sophie and tobey (my less powerful boxes) the hosts file contains
> something similar but specific to those boxes. The localslots and
> localslots_cpp numbers are 3 on tobey and 5 on sophie, and the order in
> which the machines are mentioned changes (local machine first, then remote
> machines in order of power).
> This configuration is the result of a lot of experimentation rather than
> just a theoretical calculation. The various guides that discuss how to tune
> these numbers for best performance were modestly helpful in explaining what
> the tuning parameters mean, but experimenting and watching the resulting
> performance was the best teacher.
> Hope this helps.
> John Blinka

I don't use distcc, so I can't add anything useful to its application on 
Peter's requirements, but a quick test by Peter would be to start a single 
emerge of libreoffice on its own and observe if it is still limited to 4 
threads with and without distcc.

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