Hi all,

I've tried googling and didn't get very far so am afraid this might not be a
common thing...

Since a number of months, emerge hangs when doing a upgrade as soon as it gets
to the package gentoo-sources:

Installing (23 of 27) sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-6.1.67::gentoo
 * If you are upgrading from a previous kernel, you may be interested
 * in the following document:
 *   - General upgrade guide: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Kernel/Upgrade
 * For more info on this patchset, and how to report problems, see:
 * https://dev.gentoo.org/~mpagano/genpatches
WARNING: Will unset existing variable 'TMPDIR' to avoid clashing with genkernel 
config ...
WARNING: Will unset existing variable 'CHOST' to avoid clashing with genkernel 
config ...
* Gentoo Linux Genkernel; Version 4.3.6
* Using genkernel configuration from '/etc/genkernel.conf' ...
* Running with options: 
--kernel-config=/etc/kernels/kernel-config-6.1.19-gentoo-x86_64 all

* Working with Linux kernel 6.1.67-gentoo for x86_64
* Using kernel config file '/etc/kernels/kernel-config-6.1.19-gentoo-x86_64' ...
* Note: The version above is subject to change (depends on config and status of 
kernel sources).

* kernel: >> Initializing ...
*         >> Running 'make mrproper' ...
*         >> Running 'make oldconfig' ...
*         >> Kernel version has changed (probably due to config change) since 
genkernel start:
*            We are now building Linux kernel 6.1.67-gentoo-x86_64 for x86_64 
*         >> Compiling 6.1.67-gentoo-x86_64 bzImage ...
*         >> Compiling 6.1.67-gentoo-x86_64 modules ...
*         >> Installing 6.1.67-gentoo-x86_64 modules (and stripping) ...
*         >> Generating module dependency data ...
*         >> Compiling out-of-tree module(s) ...

It is consistent every time and at the same point. It has been stuck there for
24 hours now. Pressing Ctrl-C takes me back to the command line with no error
indication. Computer load is low, and this is the process tree for emerge:

root     19590  0.0  0.0   7916  4264 pts/5    S    09:15   0:00  |           
\_ bash
root     19936  0.6  1.9 322620 314152 pts/5   SN+  09:16   1:17  |             
  \_ /usr/bin/python3.11 /usr/lib/python-exec/python3.11/emerge --ask --update 
--newuse --de
ep @world
root      8996  0.1  1.8 324220 308860 pts/5   SN+  09:40   0:20  |             
      \_ /usr/bin/python3.11 /usr/lib/python-exec/python3.11/emerge --ask 
--update --newuse
--deep @world
root      9142  0.0  0.0  10892  7148 pts/5    SN+  09:40   0:00  |             
          \_ bash /usr/lib/portage/python3.11/ebuild.sh postinst
root      9153  0.0  0.0  10892  5992 pts/5    SN+  09:40   0:00  |             
              \_ bash /usr/lib/portage/python3.11/ebuild.sh postinst
root      9196  0.0  0.0  12724  9024 pts/5    SN+  09:40   0:00  |             
                  \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/genkernel 
-6.1.19-gentoo-x86_64 all
root     31236  0.0  0.4  71804 67416 pts/5    SN+  10:03   0:00  |             
                      \_ /usr/bin/python3.11 
/usr/lib/python-exec/python3.11/emerge --ignore
-default-opts --buildpkg=n --usepkg=n --quiet-build=y @module-rebuild

Anyone has any ideas what might be wrong?

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