hitachi303 wrote:
> Hi there,
> long time since I needed something to boot the pc. I see there is a
> LiveGUI USB Image to download but the handbook does not mention it.
> How to get a bootable USB stick?
> Reagds

You can get it here:

I suspect most just use dd to put the iso on the stick.  You can use
Ventoy as well.  It allows you to put multiple ISOs on a single stick. 
I was made aware of it a while back and used it several times on another
rig.  It is awesome.  Just copy it over to a directory and boot it.

That thing is the best thing since sliced bread and frozen pizza. 
Instead of 4 or 5 USB sticks, I have one, with everything from memtest
to rescue images up to full distro install media. 

If you plan to use dd, this is the command I have in my notes. 

dd if=/path/to/iso-image of=/dev/sd? bs=4M status=progress

Replace the obvious bits. 

That help?


:-)  :-) 

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