On Saturday, 30 December 2023 21:41:40 GMT Dale wrote:
> hitachi303 wrote:
> > long time since I needed something to boot the pc. I see there is a
> > LiveGUI USB Image to download but the handbook does not mention it.
> > How to get a bootable USB stick?
> You can get it here:
> https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/
> I suspect most just use dd to put the iso on the stick. 

I've alwas done that too, until I bought this new NUC i5, which wouldn't boot 
from any of my USB sticks. I had to use an app to make the transfer to USB. I 
forget what it was now. Nel B. can explain about ISO images and booting.


> If you plan to use dd, this is the command I have in my notes. 
> dd if=/path/to/iso-image of=/dev/sd? bs=4M status=progress
> Replace the obvious bits. 

I've tried a few values of block size over the years, but so far I haven't 
noticed any difference. I haven't run any proper tests though.


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