Good evening,

I few times (like maybe 3 or 4) over the last 4 or 5 months or so, I've
woken up to a slightly broken X11 session. Nothing GUI has permission to
access, starting in a terminal gives this message:

> Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

I originally thought it was caused by an xscreensaver crash, but I've
not been using it, and still woke up to this problem this morning. I've
no idea the cause, and I'm sure everything was okay when I went to bed
last night.

The biggest hint came from rkhunter and anacron - rkhunter runs during
the night, and when this issue happens, I get an email that includes
something like:

> run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/rkhunter exited with return code 1                 
> Opening file "/tmp/keepassxc-chris.socket" failed, ignoring: No such device 
> or address                   
> Opening file "/tmp/sddm-:0-NpHoUj" failed, ignoring: No such device or 
> address 

I've not checked keepassxc (running, in the system tray) after this, but
everything GUI (that I have tried) that was already running continues to
run okay, but nothing new can start. Not sure if SDDM is a cause or a
symptom, but /tmp/ should usually have something like this:

> chris:~$ ll /tmp/ | grep sddm
> srwxrwxrwx 1 sddm    sddm          0 Jan  4 06:56 dbus-blahblah
> srwx------ 1 sddm    sddm          0 Jan  4 06:56 sddm-:0-blahblah
> srwxr-xr-x 1 root    root          0 Dec 24 13:15 sddm-auth-blah-blah-blah

Best guess, this seems to happen after 10 days to 3 weeks of uptime, but
only recently. In the past, I've had as much as a month or so of uptime
(usually logged into Fluxbox on X11) without issues.

When this happens, I log out of Fluxbox, log back in, and all is well

I've not updated in the last few days, so that doesn't seem likely as a
cause for the most recent occurrence.

Any thoughts on possible causes or fixes?


Chris Spackman (he / him)

ESOL Coordinator, The Graham Family of Schools
ESL Educator, Columbus State Community College

Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (Wajima, Ishikawa 1995-1998)
Linux user since 1998
Linux User #137532

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