On Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 02:01:34PM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote
>   I'll soon be switching over from cable to fibre.  It's the same ISP,
> but I'll be needing to authenticate outbound email on port 587 (long
> story).

    Let's start this over again, because I was barking up the wrong
tree.  Rather than ASS-uming stuff, I finally asked in my ISP's support
forum and they said...

> Regarding the SMTP server, the port 587 works on any type of
> technology we are offering. It has to be set with SSL, without
> any authentication.

   It looks like they know the IP address ranges of their customers.
I'll try again without authentication, and see what happens and get back
with my results.  "emerge -pv gnutls mutt" shows...

[ebuild   R    ] net-libs/gnutls-3.8.0:0/30.30::gentoo  USE="cxx idn nls 
openssl seccomp tls-heartbeat tools zlib -brotli -dane -doc -examples -pkcs11 
(-sslv2) (-sslv3) -static-libs -test (-test-full) -verify-sig -zstd" 0 KiB

[ebuild   R    ] mail-client/mutt-2.2.12::gentoo  USE="debug gnutls gpgme 
hcache imap lmdb mbox nls pop sasl smtp ssl -autocrypt -berkdb -doc -gdbm 
-gsasl -idn -kerberos -pgp-classic (-prefix) -qdbm (-selinux) -slang 
-smime-classic -tokyocabinet -vanilla" 0 KiB

  I'm busy tonight, so I'll probably get back tomorrow.

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Roses are blue
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