I'm back after several minutes backing up to two USB drives.

On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 09:41:16PM +0000, Michael wrote

> For SMTP server use: 
> set smtp_url = "smtp://your_user_n...@www.cotse.net:465"

  Just one change... change "smtp://" to "smtps://", otherwise mutt
won't connect...

set smtp_pass="cotse_password"
set smtp_url="smtps://cotse_use...@www.cotse.net:465"

  Sending a test message I got a prompt...

This certificate belongs to:
   Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
   Sectigo Limited

   Salford  Greater Manchester  GB
yada, yada, yada

  It asked whether I wanted to (r)eject, accept (o)nce, accept (a)lways
and I chose always.

  This post is coming to you via port 587 via fibre and via cotse.net.
Thank you very much.  I couldn't have done it without your deatailed help.

Roses are red
Roses are blue
Depending on their velocity
Relative to you

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