On Fri, 02 Feb 2024 14:17:23 -0500,
Thelma wrote:
> On 2/2/24 11:37, John Covici wrote:
> > On Fri, 02 Feb 2024 12:53:07 -0500,
> > Thelma wrote:
> >> 
> >> On 2/2/24 10:09, John Covici wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> On Fri, 02 Feb 2024 10:26:09 -0500,
> >>> Thelma wrote:
> >>>> 
> >>>> Anybody on the list using Asterisk?
> >>>> I need some help.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Have save version of asterisk is working correctly on one computer but 
> >>>> the other.
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>> 
> >>> I use asterisk all the time, but I don't use the gentoo package, I
> >>> compile from source myself because some of the computers I use it on
> >>> have different requirements and this way I have more conttrol as to
> >>> what goes on.
> >> 
> >> I have been using asterisk for some time but have run into strange problem 
> >> now.
> >> 
> >> I have home-asterisk and remote-location-asterisk they are connected via 
> >> openvpn and IAX
> >> and I use iax to register home-asterisk to remote-asterisk
> >> 
> >> At home I have two computers (main-asterisk and backup-asterisk), running 
> >> save version of Asterisk, same dial-plan, same config files, all files in 
> >> /etc/asterisk are identical
> >> on home-comuters, I compare them with "meld"
> >> 
> >> - backup-asterisk to remote-asterisk works OK, I can call remote asterisk 
> >> internally over IAX and remote asterisk receive the call and voice is 
> >> working.
> >> 
> >> - main-asterisk to remote-asterisk doesn't work well and I don't know how 
> >> to troubleshoot.
> >> 
> >> When I place a call to remote-asterisk, internally over IAX the phone is 
> >> ringing but when somebody answer the call we can not hear each other.
> >> When somebody from remote-asterisk calls me (home-asterisk) internally 
> >> over IAX  voice is working correctly; it only happen when I place a call 
> >> from
> >> home-asterisk to remote-asterisk (and only from my main-computer) it is 
> >> not working.
> >> 
> >> When I call remote-asterisk over POTS line it works OK.
> >> 
> > 
> > Sounds like a firewall setting on the home computers, make sure all
> > the ports are open between the start and end of the asterisk rpt
> > ports.  Are you using a router, or is the asterisk on a public ip?
> > That is what I can think of at the moment.
> On home computer there are no ports that are open, remote computer have port 
> open to make openvpn connection
> I'm using router, and asterisks are not on public IP, on private IP.
> client
> dev tun
> proto udp
> port 9072
> topology subnet
> remote xxx.xxx.xxx.xx  9072  # Telus fiber
> resolv-retry infinite
> tun-mtu 1500
> tun-mtu-extra 32
> mssfix 1200
> persist-key
> persist-tun
> remote-cert-tls server
> ca "/etc/openvpn/clinic_i5/ca.crt"
> cert "/etc/openvpn/clinic_i5/syscon7.crt"
> key "/etc/openvpn/clinic_i5/syscon7.key"
> tls-auth "/etc/openvpn/clinic_i5/ta.key" 1
> comp-lzo no
> log        /var/log/openvpn_i5.log
> log-append /var/log/openvpn_i5.log
> auth-nocache
> verb 3
> openvpn-log doesn't show any errors (will double check tonight)
> The home main-asterisk and backup-asterisk are using same openvpn file; I 
> just drop connection on one, and start connection on the one I want to use.

What do your logs reveal -- you should be surre to set debug in your
logs before testing.  Also, what happens if you use sip instead of

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici wb2una

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