Philip Webb wrote:

051107 Catalin Grigoroscuta wrote:
Philip Webb wrote:
Has anyone got Nvidia to work with Kernel 2.6.14 ?
I had it working with 2.6.12 , but got an error with 2.6.14 :
 (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialise NVIDIA kernel module!
 (EE) NVIDIA(0): *** aborting ***
 (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have usable configuration
Had same problem today with 2.6.13-r5.
Turned out that nvidia module was not loaded
so a simple modprobe nvidia fixed the problem.

I don't think that's the problem here:

 root: root> modprobe -l

'modprobe -l' simply lists all the modules you have on your system, not necessarily the modules you have currently loaded. For the currently loaded modules use 'lsmod', or you can 'cat /proc/modules'

For example, when I run 'modprobe -l' I get a big long list of scsi drivers and ethernet drivers that I don't have loaded. 'lsmod' just gives me this:

Module                  Size  Used by
ndiswrapper           193972  0
nvidia               3712520  14

Hope this helps
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