Wols Lists wrote:
> On 13/04/2024 14:23, Dale wrote:
>> I see lots of mobos with those little hard drives on a stick.  I think
>> they called NVME or something, may have spelling wrong.  For most
>> people, that is likely awesome.  For me, I think I'd be happy with a
>> regular SSD.  Given that, I'd like them to make a mobo where one can say
>> cut off/disable that NVME thing and make use of that "lane" as a PCIe
>> slot(s).  Even if that means having a cable that hooks to the mobo and
>> runs elsewhere to connect PCIe cards.  In other words, have one slot
>> that is expandable to say three or four slots with what I think is
>> called a back-plane.  That way if a user wants to use the NVME thing,
>> they can.  If they don't, they can disable it and go another route with
>> PCIe expansion.  Sort of reminds me of that SAS drive thing.  You have
>> one cable that branches out into several SATA drives or SAS drives
>> themselves.  I don't know a lot about SAS really.  May have to read up
>> on that with that new case that holds 18 drives tho.  O_o
> Read up on your mobo.
> Certainly on mine, that thing where you can use NVME *OR* OCIe *OR*
> Sata is a thing on mine.
> There's a nice table in the mobo manual that tells you which combos
> are supported.
> Cheers,
> Wol

That's good to know.  I've looked at a few mobos but didn't see that in
the list of features.  I guess I need to dig deeper.  Still, I need
slots, either on the mobo or as a option to place elsewhere.  My current
mobo has all the PCIe slots in use.  To add another drive controller to
my current rig for example, I'd have to buy a new card that has more

Thanks for that info. 


:-)  :-) 

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