Michael wrote:
> On Monday, 29 April 2024 06:07:04 BST Dale wrote:
>> Dale wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> I'm installing Gentoo on that old Dell Inspiron still.  I'm getting
>>> close.  I'm now at this. 
>>>  * Error: circular dependencies:
>>> (media-plugins/frei0r-plugins-1.8.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for
>>> merge) depends on
>>>  (media-libs/opencv-4.9.0:0/4.9.0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
>>> (buildtime_slot_op)
>>>   (media-video/ffmpeg-6.1.1-r5:0/58.60.60::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for
>>> merge) (buildtime_slot_op)
>>>    (media-plugins/frei0r-plugins-1.8.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for
>>> merge) (buildtime)
>>> It might be possible to break this cycle
>>> by applying any of the following changes:
>>> - media-video/ffmpeg-6.1.1-r5 (Change USE: -frei0r)
>>> - media-plugins/frei0r-plugins-1.8.0 (Change USE: -facedetect)
>>> - media-libs/opencv-4.9.0 (Change USE: -ffmpeg)
>>> Note that this change can be reverted, once the package has been
>>> installed.
>>> NAS2 ~ #
>>> Earlier, I added those USE flags so that it could continue on with the
>>> install.  I figured it was like that harfbuzz and something else thing. 
>>> Now that everything else is done, I want to go back to the default USE
>>> flags, like it said I could.  Thing is, when I remove the ones it wants
>>> above, it still complains.  It either fails to build or spits out
>>> something like above. 
>>> Has anyone doing a recent new install ran into this and know how to get
>>> around it?  I've tried different options but they either fail or tell me
>>> to change back to the settings it suggests above.  I searched the forums
>>> but didn't find anything.  Google didn't find anything either.  I may
>>> have found something new.  ROFL
>>> Thoughts??
>>> Dale
>>> :-)  :-)
>> Found a solution for most of it.  When I did my install, I added a line
>> for CFLAGS but failed to comment out the other line.  It seems to have
>> confused either emerge or that package or maybe both.  Basically, it
>> left it empty, no setting at all. 
>> Now I'm left with a failure for net-dns/avahi which gives me this: 
>> sed -e 's,@pkgsysconfdir\@,/etc/avahi,g' \
>>         -e 's,@servicedir\@,/etc/avahi/services,g' \
>>         -e 's,@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT\@,avahi (at) lists (dot) freedesktop
>> (dot) org,g' \
>>         -e 's,@PACKAGE_URL\@,http://avahi.org/,g'
>> avahi-discover.1.xml.in > avahi-discover.1.xml
>> sed -e 's,@pkgsysconfdir\@,/etc/avahi,g' \
>>         -e 's,@servicedir\@,/etc/avahi/services,g' \
>>         -e 's,@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT\@,avahi (at) lists (dot) freedesktop
>> (dot) org,g' \
>>         -e 's,@PACKAGE_URL\@,http://avahi.org/,g'
>> avahi-bookmarks.1.xml.in > avahi-bookmarks.1.xml
>> sed -e 's,@pkgsysconfdir\@,/etc/avahi,g' \
>>         -e 's,@servicedir\@,/etc/avahi/services,g' \
>>         -e 's,@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT\@,avahi (at) lists (dot) freedesktop
>> (dot) org,g' \
>>         -e 's,@PACKAGE_URL\@,http://avahi.org/,g' bssh.1.xml.in > bssh.1.xml
>> xmltoman avahi-daemon.8.xml > avahi-daemon.8
>> Can't locate XML/Parser.pm in @INC (you may need to install the
>> XML::Parser module) (@INC entries checked: /etc/perl
> This message above looks suspicious:
> "Can't locate XML/Parser.pm in @INC (you may need to install the
> XML::Parser module) (@INC entries checked: /etc/perl"
> In the first instance I'd throw 'perl-cleaner --reallyall' at it and see if 
> the situation improves.

I wasn't sure if the two were related but it seems they are.  I was also
running into a error with genlop.  I'm pretty sure genlop uses perl.  It
would spit this out each time I tried to use it. 

NAS2 ~ # genlop -c
Can't locate Clone.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Clone module)
(@INC entries checked: /etc/perl
/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38)
at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.38/HTTP/Headers.pm line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.38/HTTP/Headers.pm line 8.
Compilation failed in require at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.38/HTTP/Message.pm line 8.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/parent.pm line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.38/HTTP/Request.pm line 8.
Compilation failed in require at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.38/LWP/UserAgent.pm line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.38/LWP/UserAgent.pm line 9.
Compilation failed in require at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.38/LWP/Simple.pm line 25.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.38/LWP/Simple.pm line 25.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/bin/genlop line 29.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/genlop line 29.
NAS2 ~ #

I had already emerged the main perl package, one with perl and nothing
behind it.  That wasn't enough.  I stopped at that point because I was
about to nod off on my keyboard.  I did start a emerge -ek world tho. 
Didn't help.  Which I think is weird.  Anyway, it's working on about 130
or so packages and after 50 or so are done, genlop already works.  So,
it is improving things. 

Was it likely a bad emerge, bad compile or what?  Since emerging the
binary didn't help, sounds like a bad compile or something to me but I
could be wrong.  Is there a list of all these repair commands
somewhere?  I need to make notes and then when something weird happens
like this, run whatever matches the best.  Odds are it won't hurt
anything but likely would fix something.  I think python has one.  Not
sure if there are others as well. 

Thanks.  It's getting closer to done. 


:-)  :-) 

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