> You probably need to adjust the bios, possibly starting with the fail safe or 
> optimized defaults and then changing what you need to after everything is 
> basically working.

I tried it and same thing.  It was a good thought tho.  I tend to run
the defaults, except disabling the splash screen thing, but still, it
could have helped. 

I noticed a new message right after the BIOS post and Grub loading.  It
says, typing by hand from a video. 

Warning: Have option ROM can not be invoke (Vendor ID: 1B21h, Deivce ID:

Typo is theirs.  It should be device I think.  Also, very last bit is
under a thing the monitor puts on the screen right after it powers up. 
It never shows what's under it.  I think it is translated from another
language.  I looked up the ID and it is the vendor for the chip on the
SATA card, ASMedia.  So, pretty sure that is related to the SATA card. 
After that message, it usually lists all the drives it sees.  It doesn't
list anything but the drive with the OS on it.  My main rig does the
same.  It's only when the kernel loads and Gentoo starts booting using
its driver that the drives connected to the card are seen.  I have to
make sure to put my DVD drive and OS drive on the mobo itself.  I also
put the drive with /home on the mobo.  The other data drives that are
not needed until I login and decrypt them are connected to the SATA
cards.  It's just how it works with this mobo, maybe all of them. 

Anyway, BIOS reset didn't help.  Maybe that error above will give
someone a clue.  Google isn't much help either.  :/


:-)  :-) 

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